
警用 10 Code

Code / 代码General Purpose / 一般用途APCONorfolk, VAWalnut Creek, CA
10-0Use Caution
10-1Unable Copy - Change Location / 无法接收 - 更换位置Signal WeakPolice Officer Needs HelpPoor Radio Reception
10-2Signal Good / 信号良好Signal GoodAssist OfficerGood Radio Reception
10-3Stop Transmitting / 停止传递Stop TransmittingClear the Air-EmergencyStop Transmission
10-4Acknowledgment (OK) / 明白 了解Affirmative (OK)O.K., AcknowledgmentMessage Received
10-5Relay / 延后Relay To/FromSee a ComplainantRelay Message
10-6Busy - Unless Urgent / 忙碌 - 除非紧急情况BusyInvestigation Police or FireChange Radio Channel
10-7Out of Service / 休息中Out of Service(a) Out of Service - Off the Air
(b) Out of Service - Subject to Call / 休息中 - 视情况而定Out of Service
10-8In Service / 服务中In ServiceIn ServiceIn Service
10-9Repeat / 请重复Say AgainArrived at SceneRepeat Message
10-10Fight In Progress / 交火中NegativeTraffic DetailOff Duty
10-11Dog Case / 犬类案例___ On Duty (Employee Number)Broken GlassVisitors Can Hear Radio
10-12Stand By (Stop) / 待命 (停止)Stand By (Stop)VandalismAdvise Weather/Road Conditions
10-13Weather-Road Report / 天气道路报告Weather Conditions(a) Leaking Water Main or Sewer
(b) Hole in the Street / Sidewalk / 街道或人行道塌陷
10-14Prowler Report / 监视者或跟踪者Message/InformationConvoy or Escort
10-15Civil Disturbance / 内乱Message DeliveredHave Prisoner in CustodyHave Prisoner in Custody
10-16Domestic Problem / 家庭暴力Reply to MessagePick Up PrisonerPick Up
10-17Meet Complainant / 与投诉人见面EnrouteAdministrative AssistanceGetting Fuel
10-18Quickly / 快速地UrgentDetail
10-19Return to _____ / 返回到____(In) ContactReturn to StationReturn or Go to ___
10-20Location / 位置LocationWhat is Your LocationLocation
10-21Call ( ) by Phone / 用手机给 () 打电话Call ( ) by PhoneCall ___ by TelephoneTelephone
10-22Disregard / 忽略DisregardInvestigate a Break InCancel or Disregard
10-23Arrived at Scene / 到达现场Arrived at SceneBreaking In (In Progress)Stand By
10-24Assignment Completed / 任务完成Assignment CompletedSomeone in the Building
10-25Report in Person (Meet) / 亲自汇报 (见面)Report to (Meet)ProwlerDo You Have Contact With ___?
10-26Detaining Subject, Expedite / 拘留对象,尽快Estimated Arrival Time (ETA)LarcenyClear of Warrants
10-27(Drivers) License Information / 驾照信息License / Permit InformationRape ReportSubject Wanted
10-28Vehicle Registration Information / 车辆注册信息Vehicle InformationCheck Full Registration, License, Motor, Name, StolenRegistration Check
10-29Check for Wanted / 检查是否通缉Records CheckPerson with a GunCheck for Warrants
10-30Unnecessary Use of Radio / 不必要的无线电使用Danger / Caution(a) Vehicle Accident
(b) Vehicle Accident Personal Injury / 车祸 人员受伤
(c) Hit and Run / 肇事逃逸
10-31Crime in Progress / 进行中的犯罪Pick UpHold Up and Robbery
10-32Man with Gun / 持枪者___Units Needed (Specify)Defective Traffic Light
10-33Emergency / 紧急Need Immediate AssistanceExecute WarrantAlarm is Sounding
10-34Riot / 暴动Current TimeNarcotics Investigation
10-35Major Crime Alert / 重大犯罪案件警报Get a Stolen Auto ReportTime Check
10-36Correct Time / 校准时间Correct TimeCorrect Time
10-37(Investigate) Suspicious Vehicle / (调查) 可疑车辆Finished With Last AssignmentPlease Identify Your Unit
10-38Stopping Suspicious Vehicle / 拦截可疑车辆(a) Reckless Driving
(b) Drunk Driver / 醉驾
10-39Urgent - Use Light, Siren / 紧急 - 使用警灯和警笛Report of a Dead PersonCan ___ Come to Radio?
10-40Silent Run - No Light, Siren / 静默响应 - 禁用警灯和警笛Fight in ProgressSuspicious Person-AutoIs ___ Available for Phone Call?
10-41Beginning Tour of Duty / 开始班次Beginning Tour of Duty(a) Lost Child
(b) Investigate Runaway / 调查出走
10-42Ending Tour of Duty / 结束班次Ending Tour of DutyCar Improperly Parked
10-43Information / 信息In PursuitDrunk
10-44Permission to Leave ___ for ___ / 请求离开___(时间)___RiotDisturbance (type)
10-45Animal Carcass at ___ / 在___发现动物尸体Bomb ThreatFightSubject Condition: A to D
10-46Assist Motorist / 协助驾驶员Bank AlarmAttempt Suicide
10-47Emergency Road Repair at ___ / ___处紧急道路修补Complete Assignment Quickly(a) Injured
(b) Sick / 生病
(c) Demented Person / 痴呆
(d) Maternity Case / 产妇案件
State, Civilian, Fire, or Police /
10-48Traffic Standard Repair at ___Detaining Suspect, ExpeditePerson Overboard
10-49Traffic Light Out at ___Drag RacingBarking DogProceeding to ___
10-50Accident (F-Fire, PI-Personal Injury, PD-Property Damage)Vehicle Accident (F-Fire, PI-Personal Injury, PD-Property Damage)Court CasesDrugged
10-51Wrecker NeededDispatch WreckerGeneral MessageDrunk
10-52Ambulance NeededDispatch AmbulanceOpen Door/Window(State Which)Ambulance Needed
10-53Road Blocked at ___Road BlockedGas-Repairs-WashPerson Down
10-54Livestock on HighwayHit and Run Accident (F-Fire, PI-Personal Injury, PD-Property Damage)Man Molesting ChildrenPossible Body
10-55Intoxicated DriverIntoxicated DriverBomb ThreatCoroner’s Case
10-56Intoxicated PedestrianIntoxicated PedestrianUnruly CrowdSuicide
(a) - Attempted
10-57Hit and Run (F-Fire, PI-Personal Injury, PD-Property Damage)Request BT OperatorTampering With Automobile
10-58Direct TrafficDirect TrafficBurglar Alarm
10-59Convoy or EscortEscortTraffic ViolatorSecurity Check
10-60Squad in VicinitySuspicious Vehicle(a) Dead Dog
(b) Live Dog
(c) Female or Stray
(d) Dog Bite
10-61Personnel in AreaStopping Suspicious VehicleVoid IBM CardBike Theft
10-62Reply to MessageB and E in Progress (Breaking & Entering)Radio Test
10-63Prepare Make Written CopyPrepare to Receive an AssignmentPersonal ReliefPrepare to Copy
10-64Message for Local DeliveryCrime in ProgressEating (State Location)
10-65Net Message AssignmentArmed RobberyExposure
10-66Message CancellationNotify Medical ExaminerSend Wrecker to
(a) Owner Request
(b) Police RequestSuspicious Person
10-67Clear for Net MessageReport of DeathSmoke and Flames VisiblePerson Calling for Help
10-68Dispatch InformationLivestock in RoadwayIn Commission on Stand-By
10-69Message ReceivedAdvise Telephone NumberHeld Up By Bridge or Train
10-70Fire AlarmImproper Parked VehicleDanger/CautionProwler
10-71Advise Nature of FireImproper Use of RadioFalse AlarmShots Fired
10-72Report Progress on FirePrisoner in CustodyPerson Found in Burning Bldg.
10-73Smoke ReportMental SubjectExisting ConditionsHow Do You Copy
10-74NegativePrison/Jail BreakEnroute
10-75In Contact with ___Wanted or StolenDispatch Mechanic
10-76En Route ___ProwlerRewind Box (Give Location)
10-77ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)Direct Traffic at Fire SceneSend VEPCO (State Gas or Electric)
(b) send C and P
10-78Need AssistanceHeld Up by (State)
10-79Notify CoronerCourtesy Call
10-80Chase in ProgressFire AlarmCritical Call (Code Red)Explosion
10-81Breatherlizer ReportNature of FireAlarm of Fire
10-82Reserve LodgingFire in ProgressAdditional Engine Co.
10-83Work School Crossing at ___Smoke VisibleAdditional Ladder Co.
10-84If Meeting ___ Advise ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)No Smoke VisibleSecond Alarm
10-85Delay due to ___Respond without Blue Lights / SirenThird Alarm
10-86Officer / Operator on DutyPerson TrappedAny Traffic for Me?
10-87Pickup / Distribute ChecksAuto Fire
10-88Present Telephone # of ___Request Deputy ChiefProvide Cover for Units
10-89Bomb ThreatRequest Additional Chief
10-90Bank Alarm at ___Transfer Fire Alarm Wire
10-91Pick Up Prisoner / SubjectCheck Fire Alarm Box or Master BoxHazard
10-92Improperly Parked VehicleFire Alarm Circuit Open or Trouble on Circuit
10-93BlockadeFire Alarm
10-94Drag RacingRequest Gas or Diesel Fuel
10-95Prisoner / Subject in CustodyGrass or Trash Fire
10-96Mental SubjectIn Quarters
10-97Check (Test) SignalSignal WeakArrived at Scene
10-98Prison / Jail BreakSignal GoodCompleted Assignment
10-99Wanted / Stolen IndicatedFireman Need Help
10-101What is Status? (Are you secure?)
10-106Secure (Status is secure)